Reaching 100--whether as an age or the action of doing something that many times--is an accomplishment.
You are reading my 100th post on "Voice--A Storyteller's Lifestyle".
This blog started on August 17, 2006 with roughly two posts a month since that time. The articles here have ranged from storytelling techniques, tips, opinions, insights, and interviews.
Out of these 100 posts, the top 10 were determined by the number of times viewed or based on personal preference.
So drum roll please...
Top 10 Storytelling Posts:
10. Microphone Manners: Loud & Clear Ways for Pros (1/15/08)
As the microphone rests on the stand, waiting for you to grab it, confidence swells because you know the show will be successful.
Having the "gift of gab" by kissing the Blarney stone is not enough to be a storyteller.
8. Storytelling Games: Never too old to Play (10/1/07)
Adults seem to shy away from playing storytelling games to improve their skills as storytellers. (Plus game examples)
7. Grant Writing for Storytellers: Art of Success (6/15/07)
You have a fantastic project in mind and everything is coming together . . .except for the funding.
6. Mythical Storytelling Network: Dreams of Reality (8/15/08)
Our dream ideas as storytellers to further the art in the minds of the general public are often hindered by our working within the boundaries--whether drawn by us or others. (Reflections from 2008 National Storytelling Conference Brain Trust Session led by David Novak)
5. Losing Your Voice & Finding it for Showtime (11/1/07)
Once I was told that my voice would be confiscated. ( (tips to care for throat)
4. Stage Fever: How to Make a Portable Backdrop (12/15/06)
The stage beckons many of us storytellers and often we wish we could always count on having a stage.
3. Story & Poetry Slams: 5-Step Evolution of Art (11/16/06)
Storytelling and poetry have existed for centuries and now these art forms have evolved into something more intense and lively.
When our eyes glaze over and a goofy grin appears on our face, we might have entered that fairy tale called childhood.
1. 5 Ways How Adopting a Story is like Adopting a Child (1/15/10)
My husband and I have always wanted children. (adoption process of a story)
What has been your favorite storytelling post?
Or, if this is your first time here, what drew you to this blog?
Your comments, as always, are welcomed.
Who knows? Maybe THIS post is your favorite.
Until we tell again,
Rachel Hedman
Professional Storyteller
How-To Blog: http://storytellingadventures.blogspot.com/
Family Famine Series Site: http://www.familyfamine.com/Year of the Adopted Family Project: http://www.yearofthefamily.com
Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/rachelfans
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller
Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/rachelfans
Other places to find me: Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Professional Storyteller